Gardening is a rewarding hobby and a passion, but it has its costs. Don’t let pain prevent you from continuing to enjoy your hobbies. Physical therapy, a consistent exercise routine, and a plan for...
Back Pain
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How Poor Sleep Might be Aggravating your Back Pain
Back pain is an elusive beast… it can strike at any moment and can often leave us feeling debilitated for weeks, months, or even years if nothing is done about it. In fact, back pain is so...
Back Pain Relief
Low back pain is a very common issue throughout the world. As it becomes chronic it can begin to limit your activity level and keep you from doing the things you love. Below is a simple exercise...
5 tips to help prevent low back pain
1. Strengthen your core Your core muscles play a very important role in supporting your spine. Many of the core muscles attach to the spine and therefore have a large influence on its health. Not to...
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